Maria Teresa Alonso

Maria Teresa Alonso

In June 2015, Maite joined gAGE to collaborate in the group activities, giving support to the ongoing GNSS projects, especially in the H2020 BELS project: ¨Building European links towards Asean Countries¨

PhD candidate for the program Aerospace Science and Technology at the  UPC Doctoral School. She is currently working on the characterization of Galileo F/NAV broadcast orbit and clock errors. That is a key element to validate the assumptions for the integrity analysis of GNSS augmentation systems.

Simultaneously, she is a half part-time professor in the Department of Mathematics of UPC.

Mathematician, speciality Astronomy and Geodesy from the Complutense University of Madrid. In 2004 she obtained the DEA (Advanced Studies Diploma) assigned to the doctoral programme: ¨Astrophysics and Atmospheric Sciences¨ in ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre) in Madrid. She completed her training with postgraduate courses in spatial analysis at Autonomous University of Barcelona (2013).

Before joining gAGE, she was working as a technology transfer and innovation consultant. She was participating in the Ingenio Mathematica project (i-MATH). She was half part-time professor in Statistics Department at Carlos III University for eight years.