Selection of Meeting Proceedings on Astronomy


  • Gonzalez, G.; Salvador, E.; Manrique, A. The Growth of dark-matter halos and their typical structural and kinematic properties. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV. pp. 353 - 354. Springer, 0012. ISBN 978-1-4020-6000-7.



  • Salvador-Solé, E.; Manrique, A.; Gonzalez, G. Evolution and Origin of Dark Halo density profiles.  Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures. pp. 55 - 58. EDP Sciences, ISBN 2-86883-917-7.
  • Gonzalez, G. X-ray properties of present-day galaxy systems from an inside-out growth model in a preheating scenario.  Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures. pp. 297 - 298. EDPSciences, ISBN 2-86883-917-7.



  • Gonzalez, G. Universal pre-heating and the structure of the intergalactic gas at the scales of groups and clusters of galaxies. The many scales in the Universe. pp. 300 - 302. Springer, 0013. ISBN 1402043511.
  • Gonzalez, G.; Solanes, J.; Manrique, A.; Salvador-Solé, E. Reproducing the entropy structure of clusters and groups. Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense life in the suburbs. pp. 302 - 304. Cambridge University Press, 0012. ISBN 052184908X.



  • Gonzalez, G.; Raig, A.; Salvador, E."Predicting dark-matter halo evolution with a modified Press-Schechter model".En: Energy Densities in the Universe. pp. 125 - 126. The Gioi Publishers, 0022. ISBN GPXB5-1000.
  • Gonzalez, G.; Raig, A.; Salvador-Solé, E."The probability distribution of formation times of dark-matter halos".En: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics II. pp. 13 - 16. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 0013. ISBN 0-7923-6974-2.



  • Raig, A.; Gonzalez, G.; Salvador-Solé, E. Comparison of a Modified Press-Schechter Clustering Model with N-body Simulations. CLUSTERING AT HIGH REDSHIFT. pp. 414 - 415. A.Mazure, O. Le Fevre, V. Le Brun, 0029. ISBN 1-58381-027-7.
  • Salvador, E.; Manrique, A.; Raig, A.; Solanes, J. M.; Gonzalez, G. A new Clustering Model for Galaxy Formation. XVth IAP Meeting Dynamics of Galaxies: From the Early Universe to the Present. pp. 451 - 452. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 0009. ISBN 1-58381-024-2.
  • Solanes, J. M.; Manrique, A.; Gonzalez, G.; Salvador, E. The HI Content of Spiral Galaxies in Clusters: Analysis of Observational Data.  XVth IAP Meeting Dynamics of Galaxies: From the Early Universe to the Present. pp. 407 - 408. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 0009. ISBN 1-58381-024-2.
  • Solanes, J. M.; Manrique, A.; Gonzalez, G.; Salvador, E. New Results on the HI Content of Spirals in Clusters. Cosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation: Structure, Interactions, and Feedback. pp. 213 - 214. Astronomical Society of the Pacific (Conference Series Volume 215), 0015. ISBN 1-58381-046-3.



  • Raig, A.; Salvador-Sole, E.; Gonzalez, G. Modelling the growth of dark-matter halos. HIGHLIGHTS OF SPANISH ASTROPHYSICS. pp. 27 - 30. KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, 0021. ISBN 0-7923-5881-3.
  • Gonzalez, G.; Raig, A.; Salvador-Solé, E. Why are halo density profiles stable at formation?.  Observational Cosmology: The Development of Galaxy Systems. pp. 438 - 448. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 0029. ISBN 1-58381-000-5.



  • Gonzalez, G. Subestructura a Pequeña escala en Cumulos de Galaxias Relajados. Boletin Informativode la Sociedad Española de Astronomia, Nº 6. pp. 12 - 14. Editores: B. Montesinos, X. Barcons, X. Luri, 0001.



  • J. Sanz-Subirana, R. Cubarsi y S. Alcobe. Multicomponent Axissymetric Stellar System. Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems. Proceedings de abstracts, Petrozavodsk University Press ISBN 1-4002-4445-2, pp. 30-32. Petrozavodsk, Rusia, 1995.
  • J. Sanz-Subirana, R. Cubarsi J. M. Juan, J. Seimenis, y S. Alcobe. Stationary and non-stationary potentials in point-axial stellar system models. Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems. Proceedings de abstracts, Petrozavodsk University Press ISBN 1-4002-4445-2, pp. 33-35. Petrozavodsk, Rusia, 1995
  • R. Cubarsi, S. Ninkovic, J. Sanz-Subirana,y S. Alcobe. Discussion of hypotheses and dynamic models for stellar systems. Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems. Proceedings de abstracts, Petrozavodsk University Press ISBN 1-4002-4445-2, pp. 36-40. Petrozavodsk, Rusia, 1995.
  • J. Sanz-Subirana,J.M. Juan, R. Cubarsi y S. Alcobe. Velocity field in a point-axial galactic model. Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems. Proceedings de abstracts, Petrozavodsk University Press ISBN 1-4002-4445-2, pp. 158-161. Petrozavodsk, Rusia, 1995.
  • Montoya, M.; Domínguez-Tenreiro, R.; Gonzalez, G.; Mamon, G.; Salvador, E. The structure of compact
    groups of galaxies
    . Clustering in the Universe. XXX Rencontres de Moriond. pp. 559 - 560. 0012. ISBN



  • J.M. Juan, J. Sanz-Subirana, S. Ninkovic. Non-axial evidence in the solar neighbourhood. Galactic and Solar System Optical Astrometry, Cambridge, U.K, 1993.
  • Gonzalez, G. Formation and dynamical evolution of substructures within clusters. N-body problems and gravitational Dynamics. pp. 240 - 245. OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS, 0025. ISBN 2901057276.



  • M.Hernandez-Pajares, R.Cubars R, J.M.Juan y J.Sanz-Subirana, Detectability of Bulge Stars,  IAU Symposium 153, Galactic Bulges. Ed. by Dejonghe H. and Habing H.G. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrech, p. 229-300, ISBN:0-7923-2424-2. Ghent, Belgium, 1992.
  • J.Sanz-Subirana y J.M.Juan, Point-axial vellocity distribution and mass distribution in the external galactic bulge, IAU Symposium 153, Galactic Bulges. Ed. by Dejonghe H. and Habing H.G. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrech, p. 351-352, ISBN:0-7923-2424-2. Ghent, Belgium, 1992.



  • J.M. Juan y J. Sanz-Subirana, Moments of peculiar velocities in stellar systems with point-axial symmetry, IAU Symposium (149). The Stellar Populations of Galaxies. Ed. by B. Barbuy, A. Renzini Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrech, p. 439, ISBN: 0-7923-1699-1. Angra dos Reis, Brasil, 1991.
  • Gonzalez, G.; Salvador, E. Small Scale substructure in Clusters of Galaxies. 2nd DAEC Meeting. The
    distribution of matter in the Universe. pp. 72 - 75. OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS, 0001. ISBN 290105725X.



    Boletín Astronómico del Observatorio de Madrid. Vol.
    XII. Num. 3. pp. 1 - 10. MOPU, 0001. ISBN 03737101.
  • J.M. Juan y J. Sanz-Subirana. A Colissionless Stationary Point-axial Stellar System. General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1990.
  • J. Sanz Subirana, J.M. Juan Zornoza, Potentials for stationary Point-axial Stellar System models. XII European Regional Astronomical Meeting of the International Astronomical Union. Davos, Switzerland, 1990.



  • J. Sanz-Subirana, R. Cubarsi, J.M. Juan-Zornoza.  Isolating Integrals for Centroid Orbits in Stellar System Models. XI European Regional Astronomical Meeting of the International Astronomical Union. La Laguna, tenerife, Spain, 1989.



  • J. Sanz-Subirana y M.A. Catala Poch, J.M. Juan. Potentials separable in adition for Chandrasekhar models with axial symmetry, International Astronomical Union (IAU) European regional Meeting (ERAM). Publ. of the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academmy of Sciences Pub no. 69 vol. 4, pp. 327-330, 1987.
  • J. Sanz-Subirana y M.A. Catala Poch, J.M. Juan. Vertex deviation in the galactic plane. International Astronomical Union (IAU) European regional Meeting (ERAM). Publ. of the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academmy of Sciences Pub no. 69 vol. 4, pp. 267-2700, 1987.
  • J. Sanz-Subirana y M.A. Catala Poch. Velocity field in the galactic plane. Evolution Phenomena in Glaxies: International Astronomical Union Meeting. Proceedings. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 1987.