Peer Reviewed Papers on GNSS
- González-Casado G, García-Mateos J, Yin Y, Aragon-Angel A, Juan JM, Timoté CC, Rovira-Garcia A, Sanz J (2025) "Feasibility of Scintillation Monitoring with Low-cost GNSS Receivers Using Geodetic Detrending" Chinese Journal of Aeronautics In press
- Yin Y, González-Casado G, Juan JM, Timoté CC, García-Mateos J, Orús-Pérez R, Aragon-Angel A, Rovira-Garcia A (2025) "Real-Time Worldwide Monitoring of Ionospheric Scintillation Using Geodetic Detrending", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 22:A1000905:1-5. DOI 10.1109/LGRS.2025.3528179
- Yin Y, González-Casado G, Aragon-Angel A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Timoté CC, Orús-Pérez R (2024) "Advantages of Computing ROTI From Single-Frequency L1 Carrier-Phase Measurements of Geodetic Receivers Operating at 1 Hz", IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62:10731936:1-10. DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3485496
- Timoté CC, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Orús-Pérez R, Fernández-Hernández I, Blonski D (2024) "Ionospheric corrections tailored to Galileo HAS: validation with single-epoch navigation", GPS Solutions 28(2):A93:1-12. DOI 10.1007/s10291-024-01630-w
- Suvorkin V, Garcia-Fernandez M, González-Casado G, Li M, Rovira-Garcia A (2024) "Assessment of Noise of MEMS IMU Sensors of Different Grades for GNSS/IMU Navigation", Sensors 24(6):A1953:1-18. DOI 10.3390/s24061953
- Li M, Nie W, Suvorkin V, Rovira-Garcia A, Zhang W, Xu T, Xu G (2024) "Stationary Detection of Zero Velocity Update of IMU Based on the Vibrational FFT Feature of Land Vehicle", Remote Sensing 16(5):A902:1-17. DOI 10.3390/rs16050902
- Wang J, Yu X, Aragon-Angel A, Rovira-Garcia A, Wang H (2023) "The Selection of Basic Functions for a Time-Varying Model of Unmodeled Errors in Medium and Long GNSS Baselines", Remote Sensing 15(20):A5022:1-18. DOI 10.3390/rs15205022
- Li M, Rovira-Garcia A, Nie W, Xu T, Xu G (2023) "Inter-system biases solution strategies in multi-GNSS kinematic precise point positioning" GPS Solutions 27(3):A100:1-12. DOI 10.1007/s10291-023-01443-3
- Dong Y, Gao C, Long F, Nie W, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, Zhang R (2023) "Enhanced neural network model for regional ionospheric modeling and evaluation under different solar-geomagnetic conditions" Measurement Science and Technology 34(3):A035801:1-11. DOI 10.1088/1361-6501/aca693
- Liu X, Closas P, Gusi-Amigó A, Rovira-Garcia A, Sanz J (2022) "A method to determine secondary codes and carrier phases of short snapshot signals" Journal of the Institute of Navigation 69(4):34-51. DOI 10.33012/navi.541
- Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Timoté CC, Orús-Pérez R (2022) "Applying the geodetic detrending technique for investigating the consistency of GPS L2P(Y) in several receivers" Journal of Geodesy 96(11):A85:1-12. DOI 10.1007/s00190-022-01672-3
- Nie W, Rovira-Garcia A, Wang Y, Zheng D, Yan L, Xu T (2022) "On the Global Kinematic Positioning Variations during the September 2017 Solar Flare Events". Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127(8):e2021JA030245:1-21. DOI 10.1029/2021JA030245
- Nie W, Rovira-Garcia A, Li M, Fang Z, Wang Y, Zheng D, Xu T (2022) "The mechanism for GNSS-based kinematic positioning degradation at high-latitudes under the March 2015 great storm" Space Weather: The International Journal of Research and Applications 20(6):e2022SW003132:1-18. DOI 10.1029/2022SW003132
- Nie W, Wang Y, Rovira-Garcia A, Zheng D, Xu T (2022) "Effect of the polar cap ionospheric sporadic E layer on GNSS based positioning: a case study at Resolute Bay, Canada, September 5, 2012" GPS Solutions 26(1):A60:1-11. DOI 10.1007/s10291-022-01246-y
- Yin Y, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Shao Y (2022) "Summer Nighttime Anomalies of Ionospheric Electron Content at Midlatitudes: Comparing Years of Low and High Solar Activities Using Observations and Tidal/Planetary Wave Features" Remote Sensing 14(5):A1237:1-23. DOI 10.3390/rs14051237
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Gonzalez-Casado G, Ventura-Traveset J, Cacciapuoti L, Schoenemann E (2021) "A multi-frequency method to improve the long-term estimation of GNSS clock corrections and phase biases" NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation 68(4):815-828. DOI 10.1002/navi.453
- Rovira-Garcia A, Timoté CC, Juan JM, Sanz J, Gonzalez-Casado G, Fernández-Hernández I, Orus R, Blonski D (2021) "Ionospheric corrections tailored to the Galileo High Accuracy Service" Journal of Geodesy 95(12):A130:1-14. DOI 10.1007/s00190-021-01581-x
- Liu X, Ribot MA, Gusi-Amigó A, Rovira-Garcia A, Sanz J, Closas P (2021) "Cloud-Based Single-Frequency Snapshot RTK Positioning" Sensors 21(11):A3688:1-21. DOI 10.3390/s21113688
- Alonso MT, Ferigato C, Ibáñez-Segura D, Perrotta D, Rovira-Garcia A, Sordini E (2021) "Analysis of ‘Pre-Fit’ Datasets of gLAB by Robust Statistical Techniques" Stats 4(2):400-418. DOI 10.3390/stats4020026
- Caamano M, Juan JM, Felux M, Gerbeth D, González-Casado G, Sanz J (2021) "Network-based ionospheric gradient monitoring to support GBAS" NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation 68(1):135-156. DOI 10.1002/navi.411
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Gonzalez-Casado G, Ventura J, Cacciapuoti L, Schoenemann E (2021) "Removing day-boundary discontinuities on GNSS clock estimates: methodology and results" GPS Solutions 25(2):A35:1-12. DOI 10.1007/s10291-021-01085-3
- Aragon-Angel A, Rovira-Garcia A, Arcediano-Garrido E, Ibáñez-Segura D (2021) "Galileo Ionospheric Correction Algorithm Integration into the Open-Source GNSS Laboratory Tool Suite (gLAB)" Remote Sensing 13(2):A191:1-14. DOI 10.3390/rs13020191
Alonso MT, Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G (2020) "Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris and Clock Errors Analysis: 1 January 2017 to 31 July 2020" Sensors 20(23):A6832:1-30. DOI 10.3390/s20236832
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM (2020) "Special Issue on GNSS Data Processing and Navigation" Sensors 20(15):A4119:1-3. DOI 10.3390/s20154119
- Timoté CC, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Escudero M (2020) "Impact of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances on network real-time kinematic services: CATNET study case" Journal of Space Weather Space Climate 10:A29:1-13. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2020030
- Li M, Nie W, Xu T, Rovira-Garcia A, Fang Z, Xu G (2020) "Helmert Variance Component Estimation for Multi-GNSS Relative Positioning" Sensors 20(3):A669:1-17. DOI 10.3390/s20030669
- Ibáñez D, Rovira-Garcia A, Alonso MT, Sanz J, Juan JM, González-Casado G, Lopez-Martínez M (2020) "EGNOS 1046 Maritime Service Assessment" Sensors 20(1):A276:1-16. DOI 10.3390/s20010276
- Rovira-Garcia A, Ibánez D, Orus R, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G (2020) "Assessing the quality of ionospheric models through GNSS positioning error: Methodology and Results" GPS Solutions 24(1):A4:1-12. DOI 10.1007/s10291-019-0918-z
- Belehaki A, Tsagouri I, Altadill D, Borries C, Buresova D, Chum J, Galkin I, Juan JM, Segarra A, Timote CC, Blanch E (2020) "An overview of methodologies for real-time detection, characterisation and tracking of traveling ionospheric disturbances developed in the TechTIDE project" Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10:A42:1-18. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2020043
- Curto JJ, Juan JM, Timote CC (2020) "Answer to the comments on “Confirming geomagnetic Sfe by means of a solar flare detector based on GNSS" Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10:A16:1-5. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2020016
- Paznukhov V, Altadill D, Juan J, Blanch E (2020) "Ionospheric tilt measurements: application to traveling ionospheric disturbances climatology study" Radio Science 55(2):e2019RS007012:1-13. DOI 10.1029/2019RS007012
- Altadill D, Segarra Antoni, Blanch E, Juan JM, Paznukhov V, Buresova D, Galkin I, Reinisch BW, Belehaki A (2020) "A method for real-time identification and tracking of traveling ionospheric disturbances using ionosonde data: first results" Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10:A2:1-11. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2019042
- Cesaroni C, Spogli L, Aragon-Angel A, Fiocca M, Dear V, De Franceschi G, Romano V (2020) "Neural network based model for global Total Electron Content forecasting" Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10, 11
Aragon-Angel A, Zürn M, Rovira-Garcia A (2019) "Galileo Ionospheric Correction Algorithm: An Optimization Study of NeQuick-G" Radio Science 54(11):1156-1169. DOI 10.1029/2019RS006875
Nguyen VK, Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, La‐The V, Tung TH (2019) "Measuring phase scintillation at different frequencies with conventional GNSS receivers operating at 1 Hz" Journal of Geodesy 93(10):1985-2001. DOI 10.1007/s00190-019-01297-z
Curto JJ, Juan JM, Timote CC (2019) "Confirming geomagnetic Sfe by means of a solar flare detector based on GNSS" Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 9:A42:1-15. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2019040
- Vadakke Veettil S, Cesaroni C, Aquino M, De Franceschi G, Berrili F, Rodriguez F, Spogli L, Del Moro D, Cristaldi A, Romano V, Ronchini R, Di Rollo S, Guyader E, Aragon-Angel A (2019) "The ionosphere prediction service prototype for GNSS users" Journal of Space Weather Space Clim. 9, A41
- Shao Y, González-Casado G, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A (2018) "Improvement of the ionospheric radio occultation retrievals by means of accurate global ionospheric maps" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123(10):10331-10344. DOI 10.1029/2018JA025836
- Nie W, Xu T, Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Wu C, Xu G (2018) "Revisit the calibration errors on experimental slant total electron content (TEC) determined with GPS" GPS Solutions 22(3):A85:1-11. DOI 10.1007/s10291-018-0753-7
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Orus R (2018) "AATR an Ionospheric Activity Indicator Specifically based on GNSS Measurements" Journal of Space Weather Space Climate 8:A14:1-11. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2017044
- Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Camps A, Riba J, Barbosa J, Blanch E, Altadill D, Orus R (2018) "Feasibility of precise navigation in high and low latitude regions under scintillation conditions" Journal of Space Weather Space Climate 8:A05:1-11. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2017047
- Nie W, Tianhe X, Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Wu C, Xu G (2018) "The Impacts of the Ionospheric Observable and Mathematical Model on the Global Ionosphere Model" Remote Sensing 10(2):A169:1-13. DOI 10.3390/rs10020169
- Blanch E, Altadill D, Juan JM, Camps A, Barbosa J, Gonzalez-Casado G, Riba J, Sanz J, Vazquez G, Orús, R (2018) "Improved characterization and modeling of equatorial plasma depletions" Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 8:A38:1-21. DOI 10.1051/swsc/2018026
- Juan JM, Aragon-Angel A, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A (2017) "A method for scintillation characterization using geodetic receivers operating at 1 Hz" Journal of Geodesy 91(11):1383–1397. DOI 10.1007/s00190-017-1031-0
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G (2017) "GPS differential code biases determination: methodology and analysis" GPS Solutions 21(4):1549–1561. DOI 10.1007/s10291-017-0634-5
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Gonzalez-Casado G, Bertrán, E (2016) "Fast Precise Point Positioning: A System to Provide Corrections for Single and Multi-frequency Navigation" NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation 63(3):231–247. DOI 10.1002/navi.148
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D (2016) "Accuracy of ionospheric models used in GNSS and SBAS: methodology and analysis" Journal of Geodesy 90(3):229-240. DOI 10.1007/s00190-015-0868-3
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Gonzalez-Casado G (2015) "A Worldwide Ionospheric Model for Fast Precise Point Positioning" IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53(8):4596-4604. DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2015.2402598
- González-Casado G, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Aragon-Angel A (2015) "Ionospheric and plasmaspheric electron contents inferred from radio occultations and global ionospheric maps" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120(7):5983–5997. DOI 10.1002/2014JA020807
- González-Casado G, Juan JM, Hernández-Pajares M, Sanz J (2013) "Two-component model of topside ionosphere electron density profiles retrieved from Global Navigation Satellite Systems radio occultations" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118(11):7348–7359. DOI 10.1002/2013JA019099
- Juan JM, Hernández-Pajares M, Sanz J, Ramos-Bosch P, Aragon-Angel A, Orús R, Ochieng W, Feng S, Jofre M, Coutinho P, Samson J, Tossaint M (2012) "Enhanced Precise Point Positioning for GNSS Users" IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50(11):4213-4222. DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2189888
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M, Samson J, Tossaint M, Aragon-Angel A, Salazar D (2012) "Wide Area RTK: A satellite navigation system based on precise real-time ionospheric modelling" Radio Science 47(2):RS2016:1-14. DOI 10.1029/2011RS004880
- Hernández-Pajares M, García-Rigo A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Monte E, Aragon-Angel A (2012) "GNSS measurement of EUV photons flux rate during strong and mid solar flares" Space Weather, 10(12):S12001:1-16. DOI 10.1029/2012SW000826
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragon-Angel A (2012) "Propagation of medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances at different latitudes and solar cycle conditions" Radio Science 47(6):RS0K05:1-22. DOI 10.1029/2011RS004951
- Feng S, Ochieng W, Samson J, Tossaint M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragon-Angel A, Ramos-Bosch P, Jofre M (2012) "Integrity Monitoring for Carrier Phase Ambiguities" The Journal of Navigation 65(1):41-58. DOI 10.1017/S037346331100052X
- Garcia-Rigo A, Monte E, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragon-Angel A, Salazar D (2011) "Global prediction of the vertical total electron content of the ionosphere based on GPS data" Radio Science 46(6):RS0D25:1-13. DOI 10.1029/2010RS004643
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragon-Angel A, García-Rigo A, Salazar D, Escudero M (2011) "The ionosphere: effects, GPS modeling and the benefits for space geodetic techniques" Journal of Geodesy 85(12):887-907. DOI 10.1007/s00190-011-0508-5
- Aragon-Angel A, Liou YA, Lee CC, Reinisch BW, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2011) "Improvement of retrieved FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron densities validated by ionospheric sounder measurements at Jicamarca" Radio Science 46(5):RS5001:1-12. DOI 10.1029/2010RS004578
- Brunini C, Azpilicueta F, Gende M, Camilon E, Aragón-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Salazar D (2011) "Ground- and space-based GPS data ingestion into the NeQuick model" Journal of Geodesy 85(12):931-939. DOI 10.1007/s00190-011-0452-4
- Salazar D, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM-Zornoza, Sanz J, Aragon-Angel A (2011) "EVA: GPS-based extended velocity and acceleration determination" Journal of Geodesy 85(6):329-340. DOI 10.1007/s00190-010-0439-6
- Salazar D, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2010) "GNSS data management and processing with the GPSTk" GPS Solutions 14(3):293-299. DOI 10.1007/s10291-009-0149-9
- Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM Zornoza, Sanz J (2010) "Improving the Abel transform inversion using bending angles from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC" GPS Solutions 14(1):23-33. DOI 10.1007/s10291-009-0147-y
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragon-Angel A, Ramos-Bosch P, Odijk D, Teunissen P, Samson J, Tossaint M, Albertazzi M (2010) "Wide-Area RTK. High Precision positioning on a Continental Scale" Inside GNSS March/April 2010.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Orus R, Garcia-Rigo A, Feltens J, Komjathy A, Shaer S (2009) "The IGS VTEC maps: a reliable source of ionospheric information since 1998" Journal of Geodesy 83(3):263-272. DOI 10.1007/s00190-008-0266-1
- Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2009) "Obtaining more accurate electron density profiles from bending angle with GPS occultation data: FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC constellation" Advances in Space Research 43(11):1694-1701 DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2008.10.034
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2008) "Comment on "A method for detecting ionospheric disturbances and estimating their propagation speed and direction using a large GPS network" by James L. Garrison et al, DOI 10.1029/2008RS003830" Radio Science 43(5):RS5003:1-1. DOI 10.1029/2008RS003830
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Orus R (2008) "Correction to Second-order ionospheric term in GPS: Implementation and impact on geodetic estimates" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113(B6):B06407:1-2. DOI 10.1029/2008JB005704
- Kierulf HP, Plag HP, Bingley RM, Teferle N, Demir C, Cingoz A, Yildiz H, Garate J, Davila JM, Silva CG, Zdunek R, Jaworski L, Martinez-Benjamin JJ, Orus R, Aragon A (2008) "Comparison of GPS analysis strategies for high-accuracy vertical land motion", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Parts A/B/C 33(3-4):194-204. DOI 10.1016/j.pce.2006.11.003
- Garcia-Rigo A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2007) "Solar flare detection system based on global positioning system data: First results" Advances in Space Research 39(5):889-895. DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2006.09.031
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2007) "Second-order ionospheric term in GPS: Implementation and impact on geodetic estimates" Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112(B8):B08417:1-16. DOI 10.1029/2006JB004707
- Ramos-Bosch P, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2007) "Real time GPS Positioning of LEO Satellites Mitigating Pseudorange Multipath through Neural Networks" NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation 54(4):309-315. DOI 10.1002/j.2161-4296.2007.tb00411.x
- Tossaint M, Samson J, Toran F, Ventura-Traveset J, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Ramos-Bosch P (2007) "The Stanford - ESA Integrity Diagram: A new tool for the user domain SBAS integrity assessment" NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation 54(2):153-162. DOI 10.1002/j.2161-4296.2007.tb00401.x
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2006) "Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances affecting GPS measurements: Spatial and temporal analysis" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111(A7):A07S11:1-13. DOI 10.1029/2005JA011474
- Garcia-Fernández M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2006) "Performance of the improved Abel transform to estimate electron density profiles from GPS occultation data" GPS Solutions 9(2):105-110. DOI 10.1007/s10291-005-0139-5
- Orus R, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2005) "Improvement of global ionospheric VTEC maps by using kriging interpolation technique" Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67(16):1598-1609. DOI 10.1016/j.jastp.2005.07.017
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Soley S(2005) "ESTB performance under the October 30th 2003 super storm" Space Communications 20(1-2):7-16
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Soley S (2005) "EGNOS Test Bed Ionospheric Corrections Under the October and November 2003 Storms" IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43(10):2283-2293. DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2005.855625
- García-Fernández M, Saito A, Juan JM, Tsuda T (2005) "Three-dimensional estimation of electron density over Japan using the GEONET GPS network combined with SAC-C data and ionosonde measurements" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110(A11):A11304:1-10. DOI 10.1029/2005JA011037
- García-Fernández M, Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rios V (2005) "Ionospheric Tomography with GPS Data from CHAM Pand SAC-C". Book: Earth Observation with CHAMP, pp. 453-458, 2005, ISBN: 3-540-22804-7
- García-Fernández M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2005) "Performance of the improved Abel transform to estimate electron density profiles from GPS occultation data" GPS Solutions 9(2):105-110. DOI 10.1007/s10291-005-0139-5
- García-Fernández M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2004) "Correction to Improvement of ionospheric electron density estimation with GPSMET occultations using Abel inversion and VTEC information" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109(A4):A04302:1-1. DOI 10.1029/2004JA010463
- Orus R, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, García-Fernández M (2003) "Validation of the GPS TEC maps with TOPEX data" Advances in Space Research 31(3):621-627. DOI 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00026-7
- Garcia-Fernández M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2003) "Improvement of ionospheric electron density estimation withGPSMET occultations using Abel inversion and VTECinformation" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108(A9):A1338:1-7. DOI 10.1029/2003JA009952
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2003) "Feasibility of Wide-Area Subdecimeter Navigation With GALILEO and Modernized GPS" IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41(9):2128-2131. DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2003.817209
- García-Fernández M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Orus R, Coisson P, Nava B, Radicella SM (2003) "Combining ionosonde with ground GPS data for electron density estimation" Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 65(6):683-691. DOI 10.1016/S1364-6826(03)00085-3
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2003) "Impact of real-time ionospheric determination on improving precise navigation with GALILEO and next-generation GPS" NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation 50(3):205-218. DOI 10.1002/j.2161-4296.2003.tb00330.x
- García-Fernández M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2003) "An Improvement of Retrieval Techniques for Ionospheric Radio Occultations" In: Reigber C, Lühr H, Schwintzer P. (eds) First CHAMP Mission Results for Gravity, Magnetic and Atmospheric Studies. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-38366-6_59
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2002) "Improving the real-time ionospheric determination from GPS sites" Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 107(A10):1296-1305. DOI 10.1029/2001JA009203
- Orus R, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J , García-Fernández M (2002) "Performance of different TEC models to provide ionospheric corrections" Journal of Atmospheric Solar Terrestrial Physics 64(18):2055-2062. DOI 10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00224-9
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, D Bilitza (2002) "Combining GPS measurements and IRI model values for Space Weather specification" Advances in Space Research 29(6):949-958. DOI 10.1016/S0273-1177(02)00051-0
- García-Fernández M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Orús R (2002) "Ionospheric data combination as a way to improve electron density Estimations" Acta Geodetica et Geophysica 37(2-3):203-211. DOI 10.1556/AGeod.37.2002.2-3.9
- Colombo O, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2002) "Wide-Area, Carrier-Phase Ambiguity Resolution Using a Tomographic Model of the Ionosphere" NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation 49(1):61-69. DOI 10.1002/j.2161-4296.2002.tb00255.x
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O, van der Marel H (2001) "A new strategy for real-time integrated water vapor determination in WADGPS networks" Geophysical Research Letters 28(17):3267-3270. DOI 10.1029/2001GL012930
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2000) "Improving the Abel inversion by adding ground data LEO to radio occultations in the ionospheric sounding" Geophysical Research Letters 27(16):2743-2746. DOI 10.1029/2000GL000032
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2000) "Application of ionospheric tomography to real-time GPS carrier-phase ambiguities resolution, at scales of 400-1000 km and with high geomagnetic activity" Geophysical Research Letters 27(13):2009-2012. DOI 10.1029/1999GL011239
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (1999) "New approaches in global ionospheric determination using ground GPS data" Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 61(16):1237-1247. DOI 10.1016/S1364-6826(99)00054-1
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