Selection of Meeting Proceedings on GNSS
- Juan JM, Timoté CC, Sanz J, Rovira-García A, González-Casado G, Aragón Angel A, Yin Y, García-Mateos J, Orús-Pérez R, Fernández-Hernández I (2025) "IONO4HAS, a Real-Time Ionospheric Model for Galileo High Accuracy Service, SL2. Results and Validation", Proceedings of the 2025 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (ION ITM 2025), Long Beach, California, January 2025, pp. 805-818. DOI 10.33012/2025.20021
- Timoté CC, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-García A, Aragón Angel A, Yin Y, Orús-Pérez R, Fernández-Hernández I (2024) "Real-Time Implementation of an Ionospheric Model for Galileo HAS, SL2. Results and validation with single epoch navigation test", 9th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamnetal Aspects of GNSS, Wroclaw, Poland. 25-27 September 2024. DOI 10.57780/esa-0yq5l8b
- Yin Y, González-Casado G, Juan JM, Timoté CC, García-Mateos J and Orus-Perez R (2024) "Worldwide Monitoring of Ionospheric Scintillation based on Geodetic Receivers: from High End to Low Cost devices" 4th URSI AT-RASC 2024 , Gran Canaria, Spain. 19-24 May 2024. DOI 10.46620/URSIATRASC24/CXGW7306
- Navas-Portella V, Altadill D, Blanch E, Altadill M, Segarra A, De Paula V, Timoté CC and Juan JM (2024) "Estimating the drift velocity of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles with GNSS and digisonde data" URSI AT-RASC 2024 , Gran Canaria, Spain. 19-24 May 2024. DOI 10.46620/URSIATRASC24/IHBO6679
- Timoté CC, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Orus-Perez R, Fernandez-Hernadez I, Aragón-Angel A and Yin Y (2024) "Ionospheric corrections tailored to Galileo HAS: 2023 results and validation with single epoch navigation" URSI AT-RASC 2024 , Gran Canaria, Spain. 19-24 May 2024. DOI 10.46620/URSIATRASC24/ONPM4573
- Rovira-Garcia A, Ibáñez-Segura D, Li M, Alonso MT, Sanz J, Juan JM, González-Casado G (2022) "gLAB hands-on education on satellite navigation" 4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities, Barcelona, Spain 27-29 April 2022 pp. 48- 53, DOI 10.5821/conference-9788419184405.010
- Liu X, Rovira-Garcia A, Sanz J, Gusi-Amigó A, Closas P (2022) "Feasibility of Snapshot GNSS Carrier Phase Amendment Based on LAMBDA Ratio Tests" 10th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing (NAVITEC 2022): Noordwijk, Netherlands: 5-7 April 2022
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G (2020) "The Geodetic Detrending technique: enabling high-accuracy navigation under scintillation," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), October 2020, pp. 1-4 DOI 10.1109/WiSEE44079.2020.9262461
- Liu X, Ribot MA, Gusi-Amigó A, Closas P, Rovira-Garcia A, Sanz J (2020) “RTK Feasibility Analysis for GNSS Snapshot Positioning," Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2020), September 2020, pp. 2911-2921. DOI 10.33012/2020.17768
- Aragon-Angel A, Rovira-Garcia A, Ibáñez-Segura D (2020) "Assessment of Ionospheric Corrections Algorithms Using the GNSS Laboratory Tool Suite (gLAB): From STEC to Navigation Performance," Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2020), September 2020, pp. 3515-3526. DOI 10.33012/2020.17640
- Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Juan JM, Sanz J, Orús R (2020) "Climatology of High and Low Latitude Scintillation in the Last Solar Cycle by Means of the Geodetic Detrending Technique. Proceedings of the 2020 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (ION ITM 2020), San Diego, California, January 2020, pp. 920-933. DOI 10.33012/2020.17187.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ventura-Traveset J, Cacciapuoti L, Schoenemann E (2020) "A New Approach to Improve Satellite Clock Estimates, Removing the Inter-day Jumps". Proceedings of the 51st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting (ION PTTI 2020), San Diego, California, January 2020, pp. 279-301. DOI 10.33012/2020.17306.
- Ibáñez-Segura D, Rovira-Garcia A, Sanz J, Juan JM, González-Casado G, Alonso MT, López Salcedo JA, Jia H, Pancorbo-Garcia FJ, Garcia-Daroca C, Martin-Calle I, Abadía-Heredia SR, López-Martínez M (2019) “A kinematic campaign to evaluate EGNOS 1046 Maritime Service”. Proceedings of the 32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2019), Miami, Florida, September 2019, pp. 840-854. 2019. DOI 10.33012/2019.16941
- Caamaño M, Felux M, Gerbeth D, Juan JM, González-Casado G, Sanz J (2019) "Network-based ionospheric gradient monitoring to support GBAS". Proceedings of the 32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2019), Miami, Florida, September 2019, pp. 2888-2902 DOI 10.33012/2019.16926
- Brieden P, Wallner S, Canestri E, Joly D, Sanz J, Martini I, Nuckelt A, Battista G, Lauria D, Luongo F, Cosson F, Merlan N, Baur O, Lieb V, Odriozola M, Spinelli E, Alonso MT, Rovira-Garcia A, Alcantarilla I, Kirchner M (2019) "Galileo Characterization as Input to H-ARAIM and SBAS DFMC," Proceedings of the 32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2019), Miami, Florida, September 2019, pp. 2819-2841. DOI 10.33012/2019.16922
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan J M, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Escudero M (2019) "The NAVSCIN Project: Towards High-Accuracy Navigation under Scintillation". Proceedings of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Working Week 2019 Geospatial information for a smarter life and environmental resilience. Hanoi, Vietnam, April 22–26, 2019
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ventura-Traveset, J, Cacciapuoti L (2019) "New approach for computing satellite clocks focused on testing general relativity with Galileo satellites". 7th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS. ETH Zürich Hönggerberg Campus, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-6 September 2019.
- Ibañez D, Rovira-Garcia A, Sanz J, Juan J, González-Casado G, Jimenez-Baños D, López C, Lapin I (2018) "The GNSS Laboratory Tool Suite (gLAB) updates: SBAS, DGNSS and Global Monitoring System" 9th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing (NAVITEC 2018): Noordwijk, Netherlands: 5-7 December 2018 DOI 10.1109/NAVITEC.2018.8642707
- Brieden P, Francois R, Baur O, Nuckelt A, Lauria D, Kirchner M, Wallner S, Cosson F, Spinelli E, Martini I, Alonso MT (2018) “Galileo characterisation as input to safety-of-life applications.” 9th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies. Noordwijk, Netherlands, December 5-7, 2018. URL
- Sanz J, Juan JM, López C, González-Casado G, Rovira-García A, Alonso MT, Ibáñez D (2018) “Automated GPS Signal‐in‐Space Anomalies Monitoring Over More than 11 Years”. Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018). Miami, Florida, 24-28 September 2018, pp. 2172-2185. DOI 10.33012/2018.15853
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Shao Y, Ibáñez-Segura D, Alonso MT, Segura S, Escudero M (2017) High Accuracy Navigation Techniques under Scintillation conditions. 9th Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA), Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, 9th - 11th October 2017
- Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A (2017) An alternative approach for testing general relativity with eccentric Galileo satellites. 6th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Valencia, Spain, 25th - 27th October 2017.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, J Barbosa, Camps A , Riba J, E. Blanch, Altadill D, Orús R, G Vazquez (2017) Analysis and modeling of high and low frequency ionospheric disturbances and its impact on navigation. 6th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme. 25-27 October 2017. Technical University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Shao Y, Ibáñez-Segura D, Alonso MT, Segura S, Escudero M (2017) High Accuracy Navigation Techniques under Scintillation conditions. 2nd BELS Workshop: EGNSS Solutions for Sustainable Development. Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Phnom Pen. 22th - 26th May 2017
- Orús R, Rovira-Garcia A (2017) Testing GNSS ionosphere models based on the position domain. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2015-1015, Vienna, 23–28 April, 2017.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Shao Y, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Escudero M (2016) Precise Navigation under Scintillation Conditions. 8th Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA) Conference, Manila, The Philippines, 14th-16th November 2016
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Shao Y, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Escudero M (2016) Assessment of Regional and Global Ionospheric Models for GNSS users. 8th Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA) Conference, Manila, The Philippines, 14th-16th November 2016
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A (2016) Lecture on GNSS Data Processing and Laboratory Exercises. ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems. ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet. Ispra, Italy, 18 July - 29 July, 2015.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Aragon-Angel A (2016) Key points for Precise Navigation under Scintillation Conditions. Proceedins of the 19th International Beacon Satellite Symposium, BSS-2016 The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste Italy. 27 June–1 July, 2016
- González-Casado G, Juan JM, Sanz J, Shao Y (2016) Ionosphere/Plasmasphere sounding with ground and space-based GNSS observations. Proceedins of the ICL GNSS 2016, June 28-30, Barcelona, Spain, 2016.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Shao Y, Escudero M (2016) Review on Carrier based Navigation Techniques. BELS Short Workshops, Vientiame, Laos. 24th April, 2016.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Shao Y, Escudero M (2016) Review on High Accuracy Navigation Techniques. 1st Round of Worshops in Asia: Philippines. GNSS Solutions for sustainable Development, Manila, The Philippines. 22th April, 2016.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Shao Y, Escudero M (2016) RTK and PPP, review and evolutions. Workshop on Multi-GNSS in Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia. 20th April, 2016.
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz, J (2016) "Final Presentation ESA/NPI Assessing the capabilities of the life-Galileo signals to support centimetre level absolute positioning accuracy". Final Presentation Days for Payload Technologies and Products: Noordwick, The Netherlands: February 16-19, 2016
- González-Casado G, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Shao Y, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Escudero M (2016) Sounding the ionosphere/plasmasphere with radio occultations. GNSS Excellence Week. 19-21, Barcelona, Spain, January, 2016.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Shao Y, Escudero M (2016) World-wide Fast-PPP with ambiguity fixing. GNSS Excellence Week. Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 January, 2016.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Shao Y, Escudero M (2015) Review on High Accuracy Navigation Techniques. Space Committee of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam 12th December 2015.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J, Alonso MT, Shao Y, Escudero M (2015) High Accuracy Navigation: From Local Area to World-wide. Proceedings of the 7th Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA) Conference, Brunei Darussalam. 7-9 th December 2015.
- Povero G, Deisting B, Tung TH, Belforte G, Sanz J, Alonso MT (2015) "The BELS Project: an opportunity for setting collaboration links between Europe and South East Asia in the field of GNSS", Conference on Maritime Communication and Navigation (ComNAVI), November 28, 2015.
- Povero G, Deisting B, Kling S, Tung TH,Vinh LT, Belforte G, Sanz J, Rizos C, Marradi L (2015) "Building links between Europe and South-East Asia in the field of EGNSS: the BELS project and the Navis Centre", 21st Ka and Broadband Communications Conference, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3311.4320, 2015.
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan M, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Ibáñez Segura D, Romero-Sánchez J (2015) "Assessment of Ionospheric Models for GNSS During a Year of Solar Maximum". Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2015), Florida (USA), pp 3833–3840, September 14-18.
- González-Casado G, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Aragon-Angel A (2015) Ionospheric and Plasmaspheric contribution to the Total Electron Content Inferred from Ground Data and Radio-Occultation-Derived Electron Density. Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2015), pp. 3459-3468, Tampa, Florida, September 14-18, 2015.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A (2015) Lecture on GNSS Data Processing and Laboratory Exercises. ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems. ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet. Barcelona, Spain, 31 August - 10 September, 2015.
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D (2015) A Methodology to Assess Ionospheric Models for GNSS, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-1015, Vienna, 12 – 17 April, 2015
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D (2015) Assessment of Ionospheric Models Tailored for Navigation. SBAS Ionospheric Working Group Meeting 22, ICTP, Trieste (Italy). March 6-7th, 2015.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Ibáñez-Segura D, Orús R, Prieto-Cerdeira R, Schlüter S (2014) Accurate reference ionospheric model for testing GNSS ionospheric correction in EGNOS and Galileo. 7th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies. Noordwijk, the Netherlands. December 3th-5th, 2014.
- Sanz J, Juan JM (2014) Global High Accuracy Navigation. International Technical Symposium on Navigation and Timing. Toulouse, France. November 17th - 18th, 2014
- Altadill D, Marsal S, Blanch E, Torta JM, Quintana P, Solé JG, Cid O, Curto JJ, Ibáñez M, Segarra A, Pijoan JL, Juan JM (2014) The Livingston Island Geomagnetic and Ionospheric Observatory, XVI IAGA Observatory Workshop 2014, Hyderabad, India, 13th October, 2014
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Escudero M, Prieto-Cerdeira R, Schlüter S, Orús R (2014) An Ionospheric Activity Indicator for GNSS Applications: Definition and Assessment. 6th Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS. Phuket, Thailand, 9th - 11th October, 2014.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, González-Casado G, Escudero M, Ibáñez-Segura D, Vinh LT, Khoi V (2014) An Accurate Global Ionospheric Model for GNSS users. 6th Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS. Phuket, Thailand, 9th - 11th October, 2014
- Sanz J, Juan JM (2014) Introduction to Differential GNSS. Workshop: GNSS: Status, Applications and Future in South East AsiA Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), Vietnam. 6th October, 2014
- Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, González-Casado G, Ibáñez-Segura D, Escudero M (2014) Fast-PPP on a planetary scale. 4th National Conference on Communication and Navigation on Ocean (ComNavi 2014). Hanoi, Vietnam. 4th October, 2014
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J (2014) A Real-time World-wide Ionospheric Model for Single and Multi-frequency Precise Navigation (Best Presentation Award). Proceedings of the 27th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2014), Tampa, Florida, September 8-12, 2014.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, González-Casado G, Prieto-Cerdeira R, Schlüter S, Orús R (2014) Novel Ionospheric Activity Indicator Specifically Tailored for GNSS Users. Proceedings of the 27th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2014), Tampa, Florida, September 8-12, 2014.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A (2014) Lecture on GNSS Data Processing and Laboratory Exercises. ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems. ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet. Ostrava, Czech Republic, July 2014.
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J (2014) Fast-PPP assessment in European and equatorial region near the solar cycle maximum, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-4144, Vienna, 27 April – 02 May, 2014
- Altadill D, Marsal S, Blanch E, Torta JM, Quintana-Seguí P, Solé JG, Cid O, Curto JJ, Ibáñez M, Segarra A, Pijoan JL, Juan JM (2014) The Livingston Island Geomagnetic and Ionospheric Observatory, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-4084, Vienna, 27 April – 02 May, 2014
- Juan M, Sanz J, González-Casado G, Rovira-Garcia A, Ibáñez Segura D, Orús-Pérez R, Prieto-Cerdeira R, Schlueter S (2014) Accurate reference ionospheric model for testing GNSS ionospheric correction in EGNOS and Galileo. In: Proceedings of the 7th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies: Era of Galileo IOV (NAVITEC 2014), ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Prieto R, Schlueter S (2013) Ionospheric Activity in the South East Asian Region. 20th Asia-Pacifi c Regional Space Agency Forum (20th APRSAF). IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 113, No 335, ISSN 0913-5685. Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2-3, 2013.
- Vinh LT, Quang PX, Garcia-Rigo A, Rovira-Garcia A, Ibañez-Segura D (2013) Experiments on the Ionospheric Models in GNSS. 20th Asia-Paci c Regional Space Agency Forum (20th APRSAF). IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 113, No 335, ISSN 0913-5685. Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2-3, 2013.
- Sanz J, Juan JM (2013) Tutorial on Differential GNSS. 5th Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS, G-NAVIS Summer-School Booklet. Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2013.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Aragon‐Angel A, Sanz J, Defraigne P, Bergeot N, Prieto‐Cerdeira R (2013) Impact of higher order ionospheric delay on precise GNSS computation, 4th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Prague, Czech Republic, 4 ‐ 6 December, 2013
- Juan JM, Sanz J (2013) Introduction to Differential GNSS. Multi-GNSS Environment for Sustainable Development. G-NAVIS Summer-School Booklet. Hoi An, Vietnam, September 2013.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M, Prieto R, Schlueter S (2013) New Indicator for Definition of Ionospheric Operational Conditions. SBAS IONO Working Group. Bath (UK), July 2013.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M, Prieto R, Schlueter S (2013) Definition of an SBAS Ionospheric Activity Indicator and its Assessment over Europe and Africa During the Last Solar Cycle. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2013. Proceedings BSS2013. July 2013. Bath (UK), 2013.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Garcia-Rigo A (2013) Precise ionospheric sounding and accurate positioning with GNSS: a `win-win' combination. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013. Wuhan, China. May 2013.
- García-Rigo A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M, Phuong-Xuan Q, Do-Trong T (2013) Ionospheric perturbations analysis in the South East Asia (SEA) Region. IRI Workshop 2013. Olsztyn, Poland, June 2013.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A (2013). Lecture on GNSS Data Processing and Laboratory Exercises. ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems. ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet. Davos, Switzerland, July 2013.
- García-Rigo A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A (2013) Outline on gAGE/UPC on-going activities in GNSS monitoring of ionosphere. IRI Workshop 2013. Olsztyn, Poland, June 2013.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Garcia-Rigo A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Monte E, Aragon-Angel A (2013) Solar EUV flux rate estimation during mid and strong flares from the ionospheric electron content response signature in GNSS observations. 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Proceedings EuCAP 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2013.
- Aragon-Angel A, Sanz J, Juan JM, Hernández-Pajares M (2012) Plasmaspheric Electron Content contribution inferred from ground and radio occultation derived Total Electron Content. The Four International Conference on Communications and Electronics, ICCE 2012. Proceedings, IEEE Catalog Number: CPF1216B-PRT. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2490-8. Hue, Vietnam, August 2012.
- Juan JM, Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Hernández-Pajares M (2012) Fast Precise Point Positioning performance based on International GNSS Real-Time Service Data: User Performance. 4th Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2012.
- Sanz J, Rovira-Garcia A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Ventura-Traveset J, Lopez C, Hein G (2012) The ESA/UPC GNSS-Lab Tool (gLAB): An advanced educational and professional package for GNSS data processing and analysis. Toulouse Space Show 2012. Toulouse, France. June 2012.
- Rovira-Garcia A, Juan JM, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M (2012) Fast precise point positioning performance based on international GNSS real-time service data. 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies Multi-GNSS Navigation Technologies. Proceedings ISBN: 978-1-4673-2010-8, DOI: 10.1109/NAVITEC.2012.6423100. Noordwijk, the Netherlands. December 2012.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A (2012) Lecture Analysis of Propagation Effects from GNSS based on laboratory exercises. ESA International Summer School on Propagation Effects, Channel Models and Related Error Sources on GNSS. ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet. Madrid, Spain, September 2012.
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A (2012) Lecture on GNSS Data Processing and Laboratory Exercises. ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite System. ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet. Toulouse, France, July 2012.
- Juan JM, Hernández-Pajares M, Sanz J, Samson J, Tossaint M (2012) Fast Precise Point Positioning based on real-time ionospheric modelling. Proceedings PPP-RTK & Open Standards Symposium, Frankfurt, March, 2012.
- Juan JM, Hernández-Pajares M, Sanz J, Samson J, Tossaint M (2012) Fast Precise Point Positioning for decimeter-error-level navigation for multi and single-frequency users of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, European Calibration and Orientation Workshop, Proceedings EuroCow 2012, p. 1-10, Castelldefels, February, 2012.
- Rovira-Garcia A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2012) Fast Precise Point Positioning performance based on International GNSS Real-Time Service data. In: Proceedings of the 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies: Multi-GNSS Navigation Technologies Galileo’s Here (NAVITEC 2012), ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp 1–5, DOI 10.1109/NAVITEC.2012.6423100
- Hernández-Pajares M, Sanz J, Garcia-Rigo A (2011) Real time Ionospheric determination at global scale, 9th International geomatic week. Barcelona, Spain, March 2011.
- Salazar D, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM (2011) Using the GPSTk for quick development and validation of GNSS applications. SEAGAL Workshop on GNSS 2010, Proceedings of SEAGAL, Bangkok, Tayland, 2011.
- Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Rovira-Garcia A (2011) Lecture on GNSS Data Processing,Laboratory Exercises. ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems. ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet, Berchtesgaden, Germany, September 2011.
- Feng S, Ochieng W, Samson J, Tossaint M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragon-Angel A, Ramos-Bosch P, Jofre M (2010) Integrity monitoring for carrier phase ambiguities. The Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting 2010, Proceedings ION-TM 2010 ISBN:9781617827358, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 2010.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Samson J, M Tossaint (2010) Wide area real time kinematic: a new augmentation concept towards the definition of a high accuracy and integrity service. International Beacon Satellite Symposium. "Beacon Satellite Symposium 2010". Barcelona, 2010.
- Garcia-Rigo A, Monte E, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Orús R (2010) UPC VTEC FORECAST MODEL BASED ON IGS GIMS. "Beacon Satellite Symposium 2010". Barcelona, 2010.
- Aragon-Angel A, Liou YA, Lee CC, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Reinisch BW (2010) Improvement and validation of retrieved FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron densities using Jicamarca DPS, International Beacon Satellite Symposium. "Beacon Satellite Symposium 2010". Barcelona, 2010.
- Orus R, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragón-Angel A, García Rigo A (2010) Real-Time Application of TOM-ION Model, International Beacon Satellite Symposium. "Beacon Satellite Symposium 2010". Barcelona: 2010
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Ramos-Bosch P, Rovira-Garcia A, Salazar D, Ventura-Traveset J, López C, Hein G (2010). The ESA/UPC GNSS-Lab tool (gLAB): an advanced multipurpose package to process and analyse GNSS data. In: Proceedings of the 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies: Multi-GNSS Navigation Technologies The Beginning of a New Age (NAVITEC 2010), ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, DOI 10.1109/NAVITEC.2010.5708032
- Sanz J, Juan JM, Salazar D (2010) Lecture on GNSS Data Processing and Laboratory Exercises, ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, ESA Summer-School Presentations Booklet, Sletttstrand, Denmark, September 2010.
- Salazar D, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2010) Network-based High Accuracy Positioning with the GPSTk. ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies. "5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User". Noordwijk: European Space Agency (ESA), 2010
- Odijk D, Verhagen S, Teunissen PJG, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Samson J (2010) Tossaint M, “LAMBDA-Based Ambiguity Resolution for Next-Generation GNSS Wide-Area RTK,” Proceedings of the 2010 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 566-576, January 2010.
- Salazar D, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M (2009) "Phase-based GNSS data processing (PPP) with the GPSTk". 8th Geomatic Week. Barcelona. Spain. February 2009.
- Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2009) An overview in Wide Area Real Time Kinematic (WARTK), 28th Surveying and Geoinformatics Conference, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan.
- Andrei CO, Chen R, Kuusniemi H, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Salazar D (2009) Ionosphere Effect Mitigation for Single-frequency Precise Point Positioning. Proceedings of 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division (ION GNSS-2009), Savannah, GA, September 22-25, 2009.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Toran F, Ventura-Traveset J, López C, Flament D (2009) New Tools to assess the User Domain SBAS Integrity. Proceedings of the 2009 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Anaheim, CA, January 2009, pp. 894-902.
- Brunini C, Azpilicueta F, Gende M, Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2009) Toward a SIRGAS service for mapping the ionosphere's electron density distribution, Proceedings of the 2009 IAG Symposium. pp. 753 - 760. Springer, 2009. ISBN 978-3-642-20337-4.
- Salazar D, Hernández-Pajares M, Sanz J (2008) High accuracy positioning using carrier-phases with the opensource GPSTK software. 4th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC). Noordwijk: ESA, 2008.
- Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Altadill D, Liou Y, Lee C (2008) Improved Abel transform inversion: application to COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 ionospheric occultations. 4th Asian Space Conference. Taipei: National Space Organization, 2008.
- Sanz J, Ramos-Bosch P, Aragon Angel A, Ciollaro M, Toran F, Ventura-Traveset J, Lopez C (2008) The User Domain Integrity Assessment Technique. Proceedings of the 4th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC). Noordwijk: ESTEC, 2008.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Aragon Angel A, Ramos-Bosch P, Odijk D, Bakker PF, van der Marel H, Verhagen S, Fernández-Hernández I, Toledo M, Samson J (2008) Feasibility Study of a European Wide Area Real Time Kinematic System, Proceedings of the 4th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC). Noordwijk: ESTEC, 2008.
- Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2008) Mejora de la transformada inversa de Abel: aplicación a ocultaciones ionosféricas de COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3, Jornadas Internacionales Hispano-Argentinas sobre la Influencia de la anomalía ecuatorial de la ionosfera, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid.
- Aragon-Angel A (2008) New Technique to Improve the Electron Density Retrieval Accuracy: Application to FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Constellation .Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2008), Savannah, GA, September 2008, pp. 2416-2424.
- Salazar D, Hernández Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2007) The GPS Toolkit: world class open source software tools for the GNSS research community. Proceedings of the 7th Geomatic Week. Barcelona, 2007.
- Garcia-Rigo A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2007) Solar Flare Detection System using Global Positioning System Data. "7th Geomatic Week". Barcelona, 2007.
- Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2007) Obtaining accurate worldwide distributed electron occultation data: COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 constellation, IRI/COST 296 Workshop, Prague.
- Aragon-Angel A, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2007) Improved Abel transform inversion: First application to COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3, AGU 2007 Joint Assembly, Acapulco, Mexico
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2006) Real time MSTIDs modelling and application to improve the precise GPS and GALILEO navigation, ION GNSS-2006 Proceedings, 2006.
- Tossaint M, Samson J, Toran F, Ventura-Traveset J, Sanz J, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM (2006) The Stanford - ESA Integrity Diagram: Focusing on SBAS Integrity (Best paper award). Proceedings of the 19th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2006), Fort Worth, TX, September 2006, pp. 894-905.
- Colombo O, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2006) Using Buoys to Extend Far Into the Sea Wide Area and Virtual Reerence Station Networks. Proccedings of the 3rd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC’2006.
- Salazar D, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2006) Rapid Open Source GPS software development for modern embedded systems. Proceedings of the 3rd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC’2006.
- Tossaint M, Samson J, Toran F, Ventura-Traveset J, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Ramos-Bosch P (2006) The Stanford - ESA Integrity DiagraM 3nd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC’2006.
- Pulinets S, Kotsarenko A, Ciraolo L, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM (2006) Special index of ionosphere variability as a short-term earthquake precursor. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 03247, 2006.
- Aragón Ángel A, Amarillo-Fernández F (2006) Advanced Ionospheric modelling for GNSS single frequency users, 2006IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, California, USA.
- Colombo O, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2005) Extending Wide Area and Virtual Reference Station Networks Far into the Sea with GPS Buoys. ION GNSS-2005 Proceedings, 2005.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, García-Fernández M (2005) Towards a more realistic mapping function. Proceedings of the XXVIII General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India,2005.
- Aragon-Angel A, Orús R, Amarillo F, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2005) Preliminary NeQuick assessment for future single frequency users of GALILEO, 6th Geomatic Week, Barcelona, Spain
- Tossaint M, Samson J, Ventura Traveset J, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2004) The Stanford-ESA Integrity Diagram: Focussing on SBAS Integrity. First ION Intarenational Technical Meeting proceedings. US Institute of Navigation. Long Beach, California, USA, 2004
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Garcia-Rodriguez A (2004) WARTK: High precision navigation with Galileo and GPS signals. Proceedings of the 2nd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC’2004.
- Aragon-Angel A, Orus R, Amarillo F, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2004) Performance of NeQuick ionospheric predictions compared with different ionospheric data. Proceedings of the 2nd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC’2004
- Orús R, Salazar D, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2004) Using ionospheric maps to improve precise positioning in post-proces. Proceedings of the 2nd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC’2004.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, García-Rodriguez A, Colombo O (2004) Wide Area Real Time Kinematics with Galileo and GPS Signals (Best paper award). ION GNSS-2004 Proceedings, 2004.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2004) Global Navigation Satellite Systems: new opportunities for scientific advances in Space Weather. Slides of the First European Space Weather Week. European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, The Netherlands,2004.
- Hernández-Pajares M (2004) IGS Ionosphere WG status report: performance of IGS Ionosphere, TEC Maps. IGS Technical Meeting, Bern, 2004.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, García-Fernandez M (2003) Performance of the improved Abel transform to estimate electron density profiles from GPS occultation data Proceedings of the URSI/ESA meeting, Atmospheric Remote Sensing using Satellite Navigation Systems. European Space Agency (ESA) & International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Matera, Italy, 2003.
- Orús R, García-Fernández M, Prats X, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM (2003) Study of several interpolation schemes to provide ionospheric corrections for navigation. A 5a Setmana Geomàtica Barcelona: cartografía, telemática y navegación. Barcelona, 2003.
- Hernández Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Prats X, Baeta J (2003) Basic Research Utilities for SBAS (BRUS). A 5a Setmana Geomàtica BarcelonA Barcelona, 2003.
- Sanz J, Prats X, Farnworth R, Soley S (2003) ESTB performance against lossing satellites (first results). A 5a Setmana Geomàtica Barcelona: cartografía, telemática y navegación. Barcelona, 2003.
- Orús R, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2003) “Ionospheric Effects on Precise Navigation at Regional and Continental Scales over Europe”, ISPRS International workshop "Theory, Technology and Realities of Inertial / GPS Sensor Orientation". Castelldefels (Spain) September 2003.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2002) Impact of real-time ionospheric determination on improving precise navigation with GALILEO and next-generation GPS. ION GNSS-2002 Proceedings, 2002.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2002) Recent improvements in Ionospheric and Plasmaspheric determination with GPS. Proceedings of the World Space Congress IAF/COSPAR 2002 Houston, USA,2002.
- Colombo O, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J Activities on Tropical Ionosphere during 2001-2002. Report on tropical ionosphere, 2002.
- Orus R, Garcia-Fernandez M, Prats X, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2002) "Study of several models to provide ionospheric corrections to GNSS users", 3a. Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofisica, ISBN 84-9705-297-8, pp. 139-142, 2002.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2001) Tomographic modelling of GNSS ionospheric corrections: Assessment and real-time applications. ION GNSS-2001 Proceedings, 2001.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O, Van der Marel H (2001) Precise ionospheric determination and its application to real-time GPS ambiguity resolution. ION GPS-2001 Proceedings, 2001.
- Colombo O, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2001) Long- Baseline (>400 KM) On The Fly Ambiguity Resolution Using Ionospheric Corrections with High Geomagnetic Activity. Proceedings GNSS-2001 Meeting, Seville, Spain, April 2001.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2001) New potential applications for WADGNSS networks: precise navigation and meteorology. Proceedings of the 1st ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment: Technologies Moving towards the future with imagination NAVITEC’2001.
- Garcia-Fernandez M, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2001) Improving the determination of electron density profiles combining ground and LEO GPS data. Proceedings of the 1st ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment: Technologies Moving towards the future with imagination NAVITEC’2001
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Garcia-Fernandez M, Orús R (2001) An overview about Ionospheric effects on Geodesy and Time Transfer. Proceedings of the Beacon Satellite Symposium 2001, Boston College, Boston, USA
- Colombo O, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (2000) Ionospheric Tomography Helps Resolve GPS Ambiguities On The Fly At distances Of Hundreds Of Kilometers During Increased Geomagnetic Activity, Proceedings of the IEEE PLANS 2000, San Diego, California, March 2000. DOI: 10.1109/PLANS.2000.838278
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Bilitza D (2000) Combining GPS measurements and IRI model values for Space weather specification. COSPAR meeting, 2000.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (2000) Real-time integrated water vapor determination using OTF carrier-phase ambiguity resolution in WADGPS networks, ION GPS 2000, 19-22 September 2000, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Colombo O, Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Talaya J (1999) Resolving carrier-phase ambiguities on-the-fly, at more than 100Km from the nearest reference, with the help of ionospheric tomography (Best paper award). ION GPS'99 Proceedings, 1999.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Colombo O (1999) Precise ionospheric determination and its application to real-time GPS ambiguity resolution. ION GPS'99 Proceedings, 1999.
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (1999) Tomographic ionospheric determination with LEO and ground GPS data at global scale. Proceedings of GPS'99, International Association of Geodesy, Tsukuba (Japan), 1999
- Hernández-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J (1998) GPS ionospheric products. Proceedings of the IRI Task Force Meeting. International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste (Italy), 1998.