Xiao Liu

Xiao Liu joined gAGE/UPC in February 2019 as an industrial PhD candidate in cooperation with Albora Technologies. His main topic of research is Robust GNSS Positioning Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles.
In August 2018, Xiao obtained his master’s degree in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) at École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC) in Toulouse, France. His master thesis focuses on the test and analysis of an RTK-INS engine for UAV applications, following his internship in the company Septentrio in Belgium.
In March 2016, Xiao obtained his bachelor’s degree in Aerospace engineering at Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska), after successfully defended his bachelor thesis titled “Aircraft navigation based on visual techniques”.
Xiao has performed some industrial practices including:
• 2018.2 ~ 2018.8: Internship at Septentrio about RTK-INS positioning engine for UAV applications
• 2017.7 ~ 2017.9: Internship at M3 Systems about test and validation of a GNSS signal simulator.
• 2015.2 ~ 2016.7: Start up member of uAvionics, a UAV manufacturer. Participated in UAV design.