Yixie Shao

In July 2015,obtained second Master degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering (MAMME) from Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (FME) in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), with the project about Code-Carrier Divergence Monitoring for a Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS).
From July 2011 till February 2013, Yixie Shao worked in the Hangzhou RFID Research Center which belongs to Chinese Academy of Science, as the antenna Test Engineer and in Radar and Electronic Equipment Research Institute, China Aviation Industry Corporation, as Radar system Engineer. During that period, Yixie participated the COMAC919 program (The project link: https://english.comac.cc/products/ca/pi/), to design the weather radar for the civil airplane.
Yixie Shao finished the undergraduate study (4-years) in July 2009 and got the bachelor degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology at School of Electronic Information Science in Wuhan University in China. In the following two years, she participated in a big project about Marine technology funded by State High-Tech Development Plan in China, obtained the master degree in Radio Physics about about the application of radio wave for ocean remote sensing technology in the same school.