The Research group of Astronomy and Geomatics (gAGE/UPC) is an interdepartmental research group of UPC involving the Departments of Mathematics, Physics and Signal Theory & Communications. The attached figure depicts the structure of gAGE/UPC and its interrelation with the different Departments, Schools and other entities of UPC.

The education activities of gAGE/UPC include both, graduate and post-graduate levels, having created and coordinated several Master and Doctorate courses on GNSS. From 2010 to 2016 gAGE/UPC members have participated as invited lecturers in the ESA/JRC International Summer School on GNSS, organizing the edition of 2015 in Barcelona. 

Concerning research and technology transfer activities, the results achieved in the last years by gAGE/UPC have given to this research group a high international acknowledgment, which has been shown in the adjudication of several competitive contracts from institutions and companies in the satellite navigation and aeronautical sectors. A detailed list of current active projects and projects where gAGE/UPC has been involved in the last years can be seen in the Projects section of the website.

Currently, members of gAGE/UPC take part in several international groups of experts; have published more than 100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 250 papers in conference proceedings in the GNSS field. This large number of publications demonstrate the capability and experience of gAGE/UPC. gAGE/UPC senior members share 5 registers of patents on GNSS (2 international linked to WARTK and Fast PPP techniques, with 12 associated entries) and four books on GNSS Data Processing, the last one, with two volumes published by ESA.


  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

  • Campus Nord

  • Jordi Girona 1-3

  • C3 Building

  • 08034 Barcelona, Spain

  • 41° 23' 19.0536" N2° 6' 42.8256" E