GPS data processing: code and phase Algorithms, Techniques and Recipes

This volume contains a series of practical exercises about GPS data processing, addressed to all those professionals and students who would like to introduce themselves to the study of GPS signal and positioning algorithms with code and phase. The exercises are developed with a software package designed for this purpose and provided in this web.

It is divided into 7 chapters, each of them containing a brief summary with theoretical foundations and a set of laboratory sessions with an approximate duration of two hours, to be carried out under a UNIX environment: Real data files and a specific software package containing different programs and routines designed for the implementation of the processing modules (GPS-Code-Analysis-Tool) will be used. The target is, from the start, to get skills in the instrumental use of the concepts and techniques of GPS data processing.

Electronic version in PDF:

Spanish VersionEnglish Version

Associated Software and Data Files:

Spanish VersionEnglish Version