Beata Milanowska

Beata Milanowska joined gAGE/UPC in February 2025 as a young researcher, with a focus on conducting research activities related to GNSS positioning with Galileo HAS. She currently works as a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Geodesy of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland.
Her research topics cover satellite navigation and GNSS data processing, with a particular focus on real-time applications. She received her master's degree in satellite geodesy in 2019 from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, with a thesis entitled "Comparison and validation of global ionosphere maps provided by IGS analysis centers – high and low solar activity case studies".
She continues to conduct ionospheric research as a member of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) JWG 4.3.6 "Validation of ionospheric models for positioning applications” and within the DISPEC project "Scientific exploitation of space data for improved ionospheric specification".