Rubem Vasconcelos Pacelli

Rubem Pacelli joined gAGE/UPC in April 2023 as a PhD candidate in the Aerospace Science and Technology PhD programme. His main research interests are statistical methods for the detection, characterization, and forecasting of ionospheric scintillation. He is currently working on the project "Detection, characterization, and forecasting of the equatorial ionospheric scintillation signal on GNSS receivers".
He holds a BSc in Electronics Engineering (University of Fortaleza, Brazil, 2013-2018) and an MSc in Teleinformatics Engineering (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil, 2019-2021). From 2014 to 2021, he worked with the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil, in Modulation, Demodulation, and Estimation Theory; FPGA and Digital Modems; and Synchronization Techniques for Space Communications. Since 2022, he has been a PhD candidate in Teleinformatics Engineering, at the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. He belongs to the Signal and Information Processing Research Group (GPSI) and currently works at the Signal Processing Laboratory for Space Systems (LaP2SE).
He develops statistical methods to detect, characterize and forecast the effects of ionospheric scintillation using real GNSS data, which is collected in the LaP2SE, Brazil. His main background is in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence, where he researches the following subtopics: Deep Machine Learning; Patern Recognition; Statistical Signal Processing; Systems Identification; Estimation, Detection and Optimization Theory; and Adaptive Filtering.