Yu Yin

Yu Yin

Yu Yin joined gAGE/UPC in March 2021 as a PhD candidate of the doctoral programme on "Aerospace Science and Technology". His main research interests are satellite navigation and ionosphere, especially the monitoring and mitigation of ionospheric scintillation. He is currently working on the project "Real time worldwide monitoring of ionospheric scintillation using geodetic receivers: from high end to low cost receivers".

From 2018 to 2021, Yu was a graduate student in the National Key Laboratory of CNS/ATM at Beihang University, supporting research activities on the integrity analysis of Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS). During this period, Yu did a 5-month intership at gAGE to collaborate in the project “Analysis of ionospheric characteristics by means of radio occultation” under the direction of Dr. Guillermo González Casado. Afterwards, he developed his end of master’s degree project titled “GNSS-based ionospheric characteristic analysis and anomaly monitoring”.

Yu received his B.S. in Electronics and Information Engineering from the School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU) in 2018, after successfully defended his bachelor thesis titled “Performance Evaluation of BDS GBAS Integrity Based on Measured Data”.

Orcid Code: 0000-0002-9874-0554