Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez Casado

Guillermo GONZALEZ CASADO is Doctor in Physics since 1994, and a teacher at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona since 1988, currently being an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics.
Between 1988 and 2008 his research work was devoted to the study of the structure and dynamics of galaxy clusters and the formation of galaxy systems from cosmological initial conditions. He started his collaboration with the gAGE/UPC group in 2009, becoming a senior researcher of this group.
Currently, his research is focused on the analysis and modeling of the topside ionosphere and bottom-side plasmasphere based on data from radio occultations of GNSS satellites. Other subjects of interest of his research work are: the analysis of ionospheric threads affecting SBAS and GBAS; modeling ionospheric super-storms and other ionospheric anomalies for the European SBAS system, EGNOS; and the development of more precise mapping functions to improve the modeling of signal delays caused by the ionosphere and affecting GNSS user positioning.