Innovative Algorithms for Multi-System Precise Point Positioning (EPPP). This study detailed results on new enhanced Precise Point Positioning strategies, centered on the extensive signal simulations of GPS and Galileo observations, characterized with realistic user errors in the main points affecting the PPP performance (code multipath, real-time orbits, clocks and ionospheric corrections). The study includes the identified EPPP modes U1 (classical approach), U2 (undifferenced ambiguity fixing) and U3 (usage of precise ionospheric corrections), and different related aspects (multiconstellation vs single constellation, LAMBDA ambiguity fixing method…).
The main conclusions can be summarized in terms of confirming the central role of the precise ionospheric corrections in order to provide a centimeter-error-level accuracy with very small convergence times, in both single-constellation/dual-frequency and dual-constellation / three-frequencies scenarios. The availability of such precise ionospheric corrections is also important in order to guarantee the right carrier phase ambiguity fixing in difficult scenarios as well of high code multipath with no availability of ionospheric corrections (EPPP mode U2) and high ionospheric correction error (EPPP mode U3).
Funding Agency/company: European Space Agency (ESA)
Responsible: gAGE/UPC
Coordinator: M. Hernández-Pajares & JM Juan
Partners: gAGE/UPC gAGE/UPC (coordinator),Imperial College of London, CTAE
Year/s of execution: 2008-2010
Duration: 36 months
Ref.: ESTEC Contract No. 4200021799/08/NL/GLC [CTT: C-07498], MHP/JMJ 142/250 k€ + CCN1 50 k€