Development of an integrated Global Navigation Satellite System/inertial navigation system for autonomous navigation Vehicles at Global Scale to develop and test an integrated system for precise positioning at a planetary scale based on the existing global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Then, a real-time integrity monitoring of different perturbations affecting the positioning and security of users will be incorporated to the system.
Funding Agency/company: Spain Goverment (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities) - Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades. RTI2018-094295-B-I00.
Responsible: Guillermo Gonzalez and JM Juan Zornoza
Year/s of execution: 2019-2022
Duration: 36 months
Ref.: RTI2018-094295-B-I00 [J-02522] GGC JMJ 139 k€