
GSA Fundamental Elements

Support to the European GNSS Agency (GSA) in Satellite Navigation Activities. In particular, in the European Union’s Fundamental Elements research and development programme.  The activity comprised the technical revision of the project titled “Field Aware Navigation and Timing Authentication Sensor for Timing Infrastructure and Centimeter level positioning (FANTASTIC)” funded by GSA under the under grant agreement No. GSA/GRANT/01/2016.  

  • Funding Agency/company: European GNSS Agency.

  • Coordinator: Carlos Hernandez Medel, Everis

  • PartnersEveris, gAGE/UPC, UAB, UC, INECO.

    • Responsible gAGE/UPC:  J. Sanz Subirana

  • Year/s of execution: 2018-2020

  • Duration: 24 months

Ref.: Fundamental Elements GSA/OP/12/16 Specific Contract-2 [C-11091] JSS  58 k€